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Collaborative & Innovative


Community Development

Tackling the Issue

We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are building up a team of volunteers in South Corfu, so we can deliver the support our community needs, when they need it. Being a cat hit by a car, kittens found in trash bins, sick cat spotted by a tourist etc. we will try to help the cat in need and bring support and information to the person too. Summer season can be extremely demanding and very busy for our volunteers, any support from your part is greatly appreciated 💞 We try to build up a community who love animals, bring awareness on their existence and their needs.

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Support Services

Sterilisation program in the villages from South Corfu

Through our Support Services, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Angelina Cat Sanctuary, and a source of much success for our Non-Governmental Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program. Our Sanctuary's role in our community is also to educate the large public and especially children in schools about the respect and attitude regarding the our Corfiot cats. Education regarding the importance of sterilisation of female and male cats, how to care about the mother cat and her kittens, the importance of giving help to a animal in need.

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Cat and Working

Adopt a cat at distance

Chose the cat you would like to adopt at distance

From all the cats coming to us not all of them are adoptable neither are they able to travel long distances for adoption. This is more a symbolic adoption, a way to support a cat in need by sending some gifts or contributing with financial support when you feel like it. We will send you photos and videos of the cat you adopted at distance, a connection is created between you and the cat from which the cat will benefit undoubtedly. Have a look at the stories of the cats available for adoption at distance 💞

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